Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Our Odds Are Improving

I learned a valuable lesson today from of all people Fred on Scooby Doo. Yes, I know we have been watching to much tv, but what else is there to do when you feel so bad. The gang was feeling a little down after failing to find the ghost in the theme park and Fred just looked at them and said " Well then our odds are improving". That struck me a pure genius. What a wonderful way of looking at things so.........

With every day our odds are improving that our oldest will get better and we can get out of the house. I would say return to normal but I don't think our lives are ever normal.

With everyday our odds are improving that our youngest will feel better and stop wearing a box for a hat.

With every day the odds are improving the chances that the cat will no longer have to wear Mardi Gras beads. Boy does that piss her off, but it sure entertains my kids.

With everyday my chicken noodle soup is getting better.

With everyday our chances of getting to sled in the new snow are better.

And finally with everyday our odds of not being sick anymore are far better. I mean this does have to end at some point, Right ?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Don't deny the boy his boxhat privileges. That can only lead to trouble later in life. :)