Thursday, June 18, 2009


It seems that lately I have been a bit uninspired. It is not like nothing interesting has been going on, you an I know better than that.

My mother in law came and showed me how to vacuum my ceiling ( brilliant ! so why had I not thought of that). The dog showed up one morning sprayed by a skunk, did I mention it just happened to be the day my mother in law called to say she was on her way. The basement flooded with sewer when the boys ( which one is in question) flushed something they should not have down the toilet. The geese found a new home which is lovely and they will be so happy there. A bear got into our chicken feed ( we know because we saw the foot prints) and tossed everything willy nilly. I also broke the lawn mower and I did a really good job. I am not sure exactly what happened but black smoke came out of a crack in some important looking metal. I am not a mechanical person but I am sure that is bad.

I am sure there are countless other little things that I can't remember but today I became inspired once again so here is my story.

I woke up this morning not quite moving very fast. The usual mommy get up, mommy get up, being my alarm call. Then when I walked in the kitchen and opened the door to let the cat out 4 beautiful deer stood looking a me. There were also deer stalking the chicken coop looking for left overs. I shut the door and went on about my morning only to notice the deer just watching me through the screen door. So whats a girl to do...... I just sat and watched them back. We sat there quite a while , looking at each other. That is when it happened I thought of how peaceful it was and how I just love living here and inspiration struck.

1 comment:

Tara said...

Glad you're back! I'm secretly glad that we don't have deer. As nice as they are to look at, I have to work today, but I'm going to drag a chair and my laptop outside under a tree for awhile, and watch my little chickens run around while I work. I love that part.