Saturday, June 27, 2009

SSHHHH, You Don't Know Me

Ok, so it now appears that I am a media sensation.

I guess that means I will have to start wearing dark glasses and a scarf when I leave the house, well that or I will have to take the young Hollywood direction and just wear no underwear and short skirts and use none of the lady like skills my mother taught me when I get out of a car.

I should tell you the story of my meteoric rise to stardom.

The big meeting was on Thursday and we gave them hell. I mean we really showed up in force and defended what is ours. Apparently the school superintendent had mentioned to a few people that he thought only a hand full of people would show up. He had quite the surprise when we not only filled the room to standing room only, but people where lined up in the hall way to speak their minds. To say he looked like a deer in headlights is an understatement. We even had several news outlets there, including the big ol tv station for the state. Can you guess who they interviewed and platstered all over the 10 o'clock news.

Lesson learned never do that again

Not that the interview was bad, but I don't like looking or hearing myself on tv.

Now all we have to do is wait, and see if they give us another meeting ( and tell us the time and place) or if they change their minds. Wish us luck.


NM Illuminati said...

Great! I always though being married to a movie star would be interesting.

By the way, I have a blgo about this little battle at:

NM Illuminati said...

I guess I really should take spelling lessons...

Tara said...

What, no video? Roll the tape! :)

Seriously, though - good for you! I hope it goes your way.

ACadwallader said...

Whoo Hoo The Empress rules!!